Into the Storm Breakdown

Title: Into the Storm
Programs: Houdini, Mari, Photoshop, UV Headus Layout
Modeled: Houdini,
Not responsible for the plane model
SIM: Houdini
Lighting: Houdini
Texture: Mari + Photoshop
Not responsible for plane base texture maps
Rendering: Mantra
This page is a dedicated breakdown to my project Into the Storm. Here can be found the process taken to model, render tests for lighting, and FX system building.
Please use the right-hand navigation to view the different sections available.
01 Base Shape and Network

02 Define Catapults and Blast Shields

03 Holes for Deck Ties

04 Remove Areas for Parts

05 Blast Shield Support Arms

06 Deck Tie Down

07 Blast Shield

08 Blast Shield Combined

09 Launch Bubble and Network

10 Catapult Shuttle

11 Launch Covers

12 Elements Combined

Animation Tests
Blast Shields
Launch Animation 01
Launch Animation 02
Launch Animation 03
Launch Animation 04
Launch Animation 05
Texture Lighting Test
Sun and HDRI

Deck and Plane Base Shaders

Change Light Intesnity + New Color Correction

Adjusting Lights

Add Lights to Plan + Shaders to Bubble

Motion Blur

The intended effects in this piece were a combination of all that I have learned in Houdini. As well as the pursuit of growth in their creation.
VFX: Rain
Rain System Test
An initial test into the rain system checking to see behavior and splash interaction.
White = Rain drops
Red = Splash
Blue = Run/Drip
Rain Sim 01
The first sim utilizing the fully animated geometry.
Wetmap Generation
100 frames from wetmap creation to be used in shading network.
Darker areas equate to wetter surfaces
Deck Splash Source
Based off Rain sim collision
**Please open in full screen for easier viewing**
Source has been slowed down for easier viewing
Red: Non-Selected
White: Source points (Rather small)
Rain + Deck Splash Combined
A combination between the rain and deck splash systems

Add Wetmap to Textures
VFX: Engine
Heat Distortion
Particle Velocity setup
Colored red and green to be later used in distortion channels
SIM Copied to Engines

Simple Composite with Rain + Heat Distortion
VFX: Catapult Steam
Catapult Steam Initial Test
Catapult Steam Test + Rain

Update to plane textures + Steam SIM
VFX: Afterburn
Afterburner Initial Test
Afterburner comp 01

Afterburner comp 02

Afterburner comp 03

VFX: Combined
All Rights Reserved
by Luke Vuilliomenet and their respective owners